C Coding Comment Template

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Category : programming

Header file

 * @file my_header.h
 * @brief This header file contains function and variable declarations used
 *        in the project, serving as an interface between different source files.
 * @copyright [Year] [Your Company/Your Name]
 * @author Your Name
 * @date November 25, 2023

#ifndef MY_HEADER_H
#define MY_HEADER_H

/* Include Headers                                                            */

 * @brief Include headers required for the project functionality.
#include "header1.h"
#include "header2.h"

/* Constants and Macros                                                       */

 * @brief Define project-specific constants and macros.
#define MAX_SIZE 100

/* Data Types                                                                 */

 * @brief Define custom data types used in the project.
struct MyStruct {
    int member1;
    char member2;

/* Function Declarations                                                      */

 * @brief Declare functions used in the project.
void my_function1();
int my_function2(int a, int b);

/* Global Variables                                                           */

 * @brief Declare global variables used in the project.
extern int g_variable;

#endif // MY_HEADER_H

Source file

 * @file my_source.c
 * @brief This source file contains the implementation of functions declared
 *        in the corresponding header file (my_header.h).
 * @copyright [Year] [Your Company/Your Name]
 * @author Your Name
 * @date November 25, 2023

/* Include Headers                                                            */

 * @brief Include the corresponding header file.
#include "my_header.h"

/* Constants and Macros                                                       */

 * @brief Define project-specific constants and macros.
#define MAX_SIZE 100

/* Data Types                                                                 */

 * @brief Define custom data types used in the project.
struct MyStruct {
    int member1;
    char member2;

/* Function Declarations                                                      */

 * @brief Declare functions used in the project.
void my_function1();
int my_function2(int a, int b);

/* Static Variables                                                           */

 * @brief This section defines static variables used internally in this file.
 * These variables are declared with the 'static' keyword and are accessible 
 * only within the scope of this file.
static int static_variable = 0;         /**< Description of staticVariable1 */
static char static_variable2 = 'A';     /**< Description of staticVariable2 */

/* Function Implementations                                                   */

 *  @brief Implementation of my_function2.
 *  @param1: (IN) Description of the first parameter.
 *  @param2: (OUT) Description of the second parameter.
 *  @param3: (IN/OUT) Description of the second parameter.
 *  @details Detailed description of the function and its behavior.
 *  @return: Description of the return value or what it signifies.
 *  Written by [Your Name]
int my_function2(int a, int b) {
    // Implementation of the addition operation
    return a + b;




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About Sang Tran
Sang Tran

Embedded Software Developer, based in Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

Email : sang.tran2197@gmail.com

Website : https://sangtdx.github.io

About SangTDx

The primary goal of this blog is to delve into the most effective methods for gaining a profound understanding of a subject, emphasizing that true comprehension is achieved through the act of explaining and sharing knowledge with others.

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